Re: Process Creation Speed

From: Eric
Date: Sun Apr 18 2004 - 00:45:47 EST

On Friday 16 April 2004 21:16, Stephan T. Lavavej wrote:
> Why does creating and then terminating a process in GNU/Linux take about
> 6.3 ms on a Prestonia-2.2? I observe basically the same thing on a
> PIII-600.
> I'm pretty sure both systems run 2.4.x kernels. Does this suck less under
> 2.6.x? Not sucking at all would mean about 100 microseconds to me. I
> don't understand why it doesn't scale with processor speed. Does this
> interact with the length of a timeslice?
> It matters to me because the Common Gateway Interface spawns and destroys a
> process to handle each request, and I wish it were just fast, rather than
> having to use FastCGI.
The difference in speed between regular and FastCGI shouldnt be related to
process creation time. The speed up you see from FastCGI is because it
doesn't have to be read from disk each time. So, you're really looking for
performace enhancements in the wrong place. Tweaking process creation can't
make your platters spin faster.

> A fair amount of Googling and RTFFAQ didn't answer this.
> Stephan T. Lavavej
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