Re: [PATCH] cowlinks v2

From: Jörn Engel
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 13:05:06 EST

On Mon, 5 April 2004 13:41:58 +0100, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Jörn Engel wrote:
> > Sharing the page cache is more important to me than sharing disk
> > space. Disk space is cheap, but increasing memory beyond 1GiB in my
> > notebook is not and 1GiB is too little, so memory is the real
> > constraint.
> Lucky you! I have 192MB, that's as much as it can take.

I know your pain, last month my machine had just 160MiB.

That month I also didn't care much about page cache awareness of cow.
A grep over one kernel tree would thrash the cache just as a grep over
ten. Now I can tell the difference again.

> > And it looks like Pavel already found the solution. Whenever doing
> > something fishy that would confuse the page cache, we
> > 1. lock
> > 2. invalidate page cache for all files belonging to that cow entity
> > 3. copyfile(), write(), or whatever
> > 4. unlock
> >
> > This is always possibly, because page cache for cow-files is never
> > read-write. If it was, we would have done 1-4 before and now have a
> > regular (non-cow) file.
> >
> > Did I miss something?
> Just some interesting indirection or substitution of address_space
> objects needed in the vmas, to map the right pages.

That is already covered by the nonexistent invalidate_inode() function
in point 2. :)

You are right, implementation is more interesting, but it *should*


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