Re: 2.6.[45]-.*: weird behavior

From: Grzegorz Kulewski
Date: Sun Apr 04 2004 - 06:23:33 EST

Maybe you should check IRQ sharing with ps port (if it is ps keyboard). Is
it different under >=2.6.4-mm than under other kernels?

And maybe you should add boot options to turn ACPI and other similar
options off.

And what video card are you using? There were some problems with S3 and
other cards / XFree86 implementations in the past. Maybe kernel change is
just exposing the problemm, not producing it? What about starting X with
vesa or other "generic" driver insead of driver for your card.

I tried hard to reproduce your problem on my Athlon 32 box with
2.6.5-rc3-mm4 but with no luck. I have some problems with this kernel, as
with other kernels past 2.6.4 (for example I cannot mount any non root non
virtual fs :)), but not this kind of problem. If I remember good I had one
keyboard lockup under X in last month, but this was on 2.6.2-rc2-mm?
kernel (probalby) after exiting from game (aa) and keyboard did not
unlock (but I didint wait 30 sec - I do not have enough amount of
patience :)). This problem never happened again.

What are exact steps to reproduce your problem?

And maybe the common thing with these two configurations is the
SMP<->preemprion. These two are very similar in producing problems and if
I remember good you have preemtion enabled on the laptop. Can you
reproduce the problem without it?

I also found the patch for kernel stack in proc - it is here:

there is also iowait-reason and sleep-stat patch in the same directory.

And maybe try to reproduce the problem with 2.6.5 without mm. People like
to have reports about "stable" kernels :)

good luck

Grzegorz Kulewski

PS. I am compiling 2.6.5 too to check if it works better for me.

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