PCI, PM, & sysfs interaction

From: Dino Klein
Date: Sun Mar 07 2004 - 11:59:26 EST

Hello everybody, [please CC me]
I was trying the other day to put my 3Com NIC to D3, by issuing:
"echo -n 3 > /sys/......./power/state"

When I checked the "state" file again it claimed to be "3", however the output from "lspci -vv" asserted that the NIC was still in D0.
I started digging around the code, and made the following modifications (below), since I did not load the driver (3c59x) at the time.

--- linux-2.6.3/drivers/pci/pci-driver.c 2004-03-07 10:12:41.865239176 -0500
+++ linux-2.6.3-initramfs/drivers/pci/pci-driver.c 2004-03-07 10:17:22.205620960 -0500
@@ -300,8 +300,18 @@
struct pci_dev * pci_dev = to_pci_dev(dev);
struct pci_driver * drv = pci_dev->driver;

- if (drv && drv->suspend)
- return drv->suspend(pci_dev,state);
+ if (drv)
+ {
+ if (drv->suspend)
+ {
+ return drv->suspend(pci_dev,state);
+ }
+ else return -EIO; // FIXME: just a guess
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return pci_set_power_state(pci_dev, state);
+ }
return 0;

After recompiling and rebooting, I give it another try, but still no good. This time I trace the "problem" to kernel/drivers/pci/probe.c@pci_setup_device(), where the pci_dev->current_state is set as follows:
/* "Unknown power state" */
dev->current_state = 4;

After adding a few printk()'s, this is what the system thinks that the NIC's state is after boot, without any driver loaded:
actual state via "lspci -vv": 0 (D0)
pci_dev->current_state: 4 (the invalid state)
pci_dev->dev.power.state(used by sysfs): 0 (D0) [initialized where?]
pci_dev->dev.power_state: ? (didn't check; doesn't seem to be used)

This explains why "echo -n 3 > /sysfs.." doesn't work after the applying the patch above - pci_set_power_state() fails with -EINVAL, due to an attempted invalid state transition, i.e. pci_dev->current_state==4 to D3 (transitions to D1/2/3 are allowed only from D0).
Next, my problem is to get pci_dev->current_state to reflect the real state of the NIC. So, instead of modifying pci_setup_device() to read the actual state from the PM register, or whatever other default it might be, I simply load and remove the NIC driver, which causes the correct value to be set in pci_dev->current_state.
Note: I didn't modify pci_setup_device(), because I didn't read any PCI spec.

Yet another problem - while I load and remove the NIC driver, I notice another inconsistency. When the driver initially loads, it sets the NIC in D3, and back to D0 upon an "ifconfig up". It sets it back to D3 after "ifconfig down", and to D0 upon driver removal.
However, the D3 state is not reflected in /sys/..../power/state, so I add the following:

--- linux-2.6.3/drivers/pci/pci.c 2004-01-09 01:59:19.000000000 -0500
+++ linux-2.6.3-initramfs/drivers/pci/pci.c 2004-03-07 10:15:42.377797096 -0500
@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@
return best;

+extern void dpm_set_power_state (struct device *dev, u32 state);
* pci_set_power_state - Set the power state of a PCI device
* @dev: PCI device to be suspended
@@ -274,6 +276,7 @@
else if(state == 2 || dev->current_state == 2)
dev->current_state = state;
+ dpm_set_power_state(&dev->dev, state);

return 0;

That works nicely for the NIC driver, plus the placement make sense, but it doesn't work for me when I try "echo -n 3 > /sys/...." !!
Once again, several printk()'s later I figure out that there is a deadlock, which goes as follows:
drivers/base/power/runtime.c@dpm_runtime_suspend() - acquire dpm_sem
[3c59x.c internals]
drivers/base/power/runtime.c@dpm_set_power_state() - deadlock on dpm_sem

Conclusion - with the above modifications, the driver does not deadlock when suspending and resuming, since the semaphore is not acquired yet. However, when trying to manually suspend the device, the semaphore is acquired, and then another attempt is made, which deadlocks.

This exercise raised several questions, which I hope somebody might help answer them:
(1) how stable is the interface? (no other drivers used dpm_set_power_state).
(2) shouldn't the PCI layer store the real state of a device, instead of using a bogus state?
(3) is there a way to verify semaphore ownership?

And again, please CC me.
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