Bugreport Kernel 2.6.3 agpgart intel_agp i810 i810fb insmod depmod

From: RG . Schneider
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 06:50:11 EST

Hello everyone,

I don't really know where to send this problem/bug report other than to
the main entrance. I have put most
keywords into the header to make it easier to address the correct
Thanks for your patience.

When I compiled/booted a kernel 2.6.3 and found the following problems:

1. I'm working with a HP e-Vectra PC wich uses a Intel i810 chipset for
sound an graphics. ( I810E ).
When the X-server is requesting the "i810.ko"
(~kernel/drivers/char/[agp|drm]) kernel module, it
fails to initialize. After looking around a little bit, I found out
that the agppart module has
been splitted into a generic one and many chipset/graphic cards
specific ones.
On this machine the "agpgart.ko" is loaded but not the neccessary
"intel_agp.ko". After manually inserting
"intel_agp.ko" it was possible to load "i810.ko" to and X could start
also without problems.
Looking ( and re-executing depmod ) into modules.dep, there was no
dependency between "i810.ko" and

According to the man pages of depmod, it can detect such dependencies
between modules only if symbols are
correlated ( exported/imported ) between modules.

So my question is: is this a bug or wanted/neccessary to have
"i810.ko" not depending on "intel_agp"?
A similar question is about the two frame buffer mod

2. After loading "intel_agp.ko" -> "i810.ko" or "i810fb.ko" and
unloading "i810.ko" / "i810fb.ko", it was not possible
to unload "intel_agp.ko". rmmod ( and lsmod, too ) persisted to state
that "intel_agp.ko" is still in use.

After reboot of the machine and no "intel_agp.ko" in the memory
again, I loaded it again and saw that it immidiately
is used - as it looks like by the "agpgart.ko". I'll write down the
screen output::

# modprobe intel_agp
agpgart: Detected an Intel i810 E chipset
agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 93M
agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xe8000000
# lsmod
module size used by
intel_agp 16981 1
agpgart 28332 1 intel_agp
. (more modules)

It seems that "agpgart" becomes aware of the chipset/graphics
controller and starts an initialisation process.
The "intel_agp" or the kernel ? is aware of this 'usage' of
"intel_agp" by "agpgart" and "intel_agp" is 'in use'
Because of this cross usage, it is no longer possible to unload
"intel_agp.ko" and / or "qagpgart" - at least
not without brute force.
Question: Is this behavior wanted?

3. I recognized that insmod doesn't know the path to the modules
anymore. Other than modprobe, one has to be in the
corresponding directory where the kernel module is located or have to
give the full path as:

# insmod /lib/modules/2.6.3/kernel/char/drm/i810.ko

The version of insmod is 2.4.21 ( shipped with the "Knoppix CT'
edition 3.4" CD from Feb2004 ).
CT' is a german computer magazine.

Sorry, I havn't been looking for a newer version yet. So it might be
obsolete already.

Thanks again for your patience


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