Re: UTF-8 and case-insensitivity

From: Theodore Ts'o
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 21:47:30 EST

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 12:01:53PM +1100, tridge@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> The problem is that Samba isn't the only program to be accessing these
> directories. Multi-protocol file servers and file servers where users
> also have local access are common. That means we can't assume that
> some other filesystem user hasn't created a file which matches in a
> case-insensitive manner. That means we need to do an awful lot of
> directory scans.

Actually, not necessarily. What if Samba gets notifications of all
filename renames and creates in the directory, so that after the
initial directory scan, it can keep track of what filenames are
present in the directory? It can then "prove the negative", as you
put it, without having to continuously do directory scans.

Yeah, there can be some race conditions, but Samba already has to deal
with the race condition where it tries to create "MaKeFiLe" either
just before or just after a Posix process creates "Makefile".

- Ted
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