Re: [PATCH] bitmap parsing/printing routines, version 4

From: Matthew Dobson
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 02:09:52 EST

Joe Korty wrote:
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 01:17:26PM -0800, Matthew Dobson wrote:

I've attatched a small patch with some *small* changes, and the addition of a whole lotta comments. I'd like to see what you think.

1) Added a missing '"' in the comment for the bitmap_parse function
2) Renamed 'oc' to 'old_c' for readability
3) Remove "totaldigits == 0" check at the end of bitmap_parse. I believe this check is redundant. The only way that totaldigits could be 0 at the end of the function is if ndigits is also 0 (because they're both incremented at the same time), and this condition is already checked for at the end of each chunk parsed. Is this correct?

4) A whole bunch of comments. Are these all correct?

None of the things in my patch (with the possible exception of #3) change the functionality of the code, which looks great.

Andrew, I agree with Paul's "thumbs-up" of Joe's patch. My patch is solely meant to increase the readability of the bitmap_parse function.



Indeed you are correct, the final (totaldigits == 1) test can be removed.
Good catch.


However, IMHO you added too many comments. Unlike Andrew, I do believe
one can have too many comments. Comments become 'too many' when they
dilute to the point that the code can no longer be clearly read.

If you reduce the comments to just those that say something not easily
deduced from the code, then they would be acceptable to me, and would
make a useful addition IMO. That would be all but three, or perhaps four,
of them.

Andrew, if you do like the fully commented version, then please remove
my name from the comment in the patch. The dilute style of coding is
not one I wish to have my name associated with.


I'm sorry you feel that way, Joe. I had no intention of "diluting" your code, and I certainly don't want you to remove your name from good code you spent significant time & effort on. I'm just about to go to sleep, so I made this patch pretty quickly. I think the 4 comments I kept are the most useful and non-obvious. Let me know if this looks acceptable to you. As I said, I have no desire to have you pull your name from the code, especially since I feel it is good code!

Andrew, once Joe and I work out an acceptable patch, we'll make sure you get a copy.


-Matt --- linux-2.6.1-joe_korty-bitmap/lib/bitmap.c.orig Mon Jan 19 11:45:32 2004
+++ linux-2.6.1-joe_korty-bitmap/lib/bitmap.c Mon Jan 19 22:57:19 2004
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(bitmap_snprintf);
* bits of the resultant bitmask. No chunk may specify a value larger
* than 32 bits (-EOVERFLOW), and if a chunk specifies a smaller value
* then leading 0-bits are prepended. -EINVAL is returned for illegal
- * characters and for grouping errors such as "1,,5", ,44", "," and "".
+ * characters and for grouping errors such as "1,,5", ",44", "," and "".
* Leading and trailing whitespace accepted, but not embedded whitespace.
int bitmap_parse(const char __user *ubuf, unsigned int ubuflen,
unsigned long *maskp, int nmaskbits)
- int i, c, oc, ndigits, totaldigits, nchunks, nbits;
+ int i, c, old_c, totaldigits, ndigits, nchunks, nbits;
u32 chunk;

bitmap_clear(maskp, nmaskbits);
@@ -223,21 +223,39 @@ int bitmap_parse(const char __user *ubuf
nchunks = nbits = totaldigits = c = 0;
do {
chunk = ndigits = 0;
+ /* Get the next chunk of the bitmap */
while (ubuflen) {
- oc = c;
+ old_c = c;
if (get_user(c, ubuf++))
return -EFAULT;
if (isspace(c))
- if (totaldigits && c && isspace(oc))
+ /*
+ * If the last character was a space and the current
+ * character isn't '\0', we've got embedded whitespace.
+ * This is a no-no, so throw an error.
+ */
+ if (totaldigits && c && isspace(old_c))
return -EINVAL;
- if (!c || c == ',')
+ /* A '\0' or a ',' signal the end of the chunk */
+ if (c == '\0' || c == ',')
if (!isxdigit(c))
return -EINVAL;
+ /*
+ * Make sure there are at least 4 free bits in 'chunk'.
+ * If not, this hexdigit will overflow 'chunk', so
+ * throw an error.
+ */
if (chunk & ~((1UL << (CHUNKSZ - 4)) - 1))
return -EOVERFLOW;
chunk = (chunk << 4) | unhex(c);
ndigits++; totaldigits++;
@@ -245,6 +263,7 @@ int bitmap_parse(const char __user *ubuf
return -EINVAL;
if (nchunks == 0 && chunk == 0)
bitmap_shift_right(maskp, maskp, CHUNKSZ, nmaskbits);
for (i = 0; i < CHUNKSZ; i++)
if (chunk & (1 << i))
@@ -255,8 +274,6 @@ int bitmap_parse(const char __user *ubuf
return -EOVERFLOW;
} while (ubuflen && c == ',');

- if (totaldigits == 0)
- return -EINVAL;
return 0;