Re: filesystem bug?

From: Tsuchiya Yoshihiro
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 02:53:57 EST


Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:

>OK. Under exactly what circumstances have you seen this in the past, as
>opposed to the other problem? I have not been able to reproduce this
>one so far.

The combinations of kernel versions and filesystem types are:
2.4.20-8 ext2
2.4.20-19.9 ext2, ext3
2.4.20-24.9 ext2
2.4.20-28.9 ext2

I do the test with mozilla-1.3.tar.gz and 6 processes in the script,
it happens with ext2 within a few hours.

I haven't seen the problem on 2.4.20,23 and 24.

So now I am testing followings:
2.4.24-pre2 ext2 (mozilla-1.3.tar.gz)
2.4.24 ext2 (nvi-1.79.tar.gz)
2.4.20 ext3 (mozilla-1.3.tar.gz)
2.4.23 ext3 (mozilla-1.3.tar.gz)
2.4.24 ext3 (mozilla-1.3.tar.gz)
2.4.20-28.9 ext3 (mozilla-1.3.tar.gz)

Other than 2.4.20-28.9, since they have been running for three days,
they seems nice at this point.

What exactly is the race condition between read_inode() and
clear_inode() you have

Yoshihiro Tsuchiya

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