Re: [PATCH] Increase recursive symlink limit from 5 to 8

From: Steve Youngs
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 22:09:52 EST

* GOTO Masanori <gotom@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> But I still think 6 is too small from user level point of view

When I first saw this thread I thought "yeah, that's a low limit", but
now I'm not so sure.

The truth is, up until a few days ago when this thread started, I
wasn't even aware that there was a limit.[1] Which means, that for me
at least, I have never had the need to exceed the limit. Because, if
I had I would have discovered what that limit was.

I'm not an "occasional dual-booting" Linux user, I've been using Linux
_exclusively_ since late 1996. In that 7, going on 8 years I have
_never_ hit the limit. Does that mean that it is high enough? For
me, yes. For others, I can't say.

[1] Not quite true, I knew that there probably was some sort of
limit, I just didn't know what it was.

|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: A94B3003>---|
| Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. |
| The proof of the pudding, is under the crust. |

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