Re: NForce2, Ross Dickson's timer patch on 2.6.1

From: Daniel Drake
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 18:56:05 EST

Ross Dickson wrote:
Given Daniel has had lockups with disconnect off.
And your machine no longer has them with disconnect on, then I now think the
cause is something different to the AMD C1 disconnect issue, but what I do not
know? I believe AMD are still looking into it as per my support request.

Hi Ross,

I feel that I should clarify your point here as I've got a bit confused myself as to which patch does what, etc!

I compiled 2.6.0-test11-mm1 with IOAPIC and APIC support (never had used these options before). Within minutes I met my first lockup ever on this PC. (This kernel included the other recent nforce2 patches: nforce2-disconnect-quirk.patch and +nforce2-apic.patch)

I then tried your patches with default settings, and I thought that the problem was solved, as you can see in the URL you referenced. That was a false alarm, I did then meet another lockup a few hours later, and another one a few hours after that. I then reverted out the nforce2-disconnect-quirk patch (as per your suggestion), and started booting with the apic_tack=2 argument.

No lockups since then, but I have been experiencing the clock skew.

But, there might be more to it. I had forgotten up until now, but I am using this code in my /etc/conf.d/local.start :
setpci -v -H1 -s 0:0.0 6F=$(printf %x $((0x$(setpci -H1 -s 0:0.0 6F) | 0x10)))

and this one in /etc/conf.d/local.stop :
setpci -v -H1 -s 0:0.0 6F=$(printf %x $((0x$(setpci -H1 -s 0:0.0 6F) & 0xef)))

I got these codes from a while back - they are supposed to enable powersaving and make your CPU run cooler. I ran a test when I originally started using this, and I did find that my CPU ran cooler when idle after I had ran these commands.

I don't know if this would influence my systems behaviour with/without the various patches that have been flying around.. but I hope you can make some sense out of it and continue bugging AMD/nvidia!

> I would really like to hear from Nvidia on this issue, I have tried emailing
> them, form mailing them and also posting to their linux forum with no success or
> response. Given its been over a month since my first posting I am having
> serious second thoughts about my choice of chipsets and motherboards!
> I currently do not feel very warm and fuzzy about their linux support!

I'd certainly investigate a different type of chipset on my next board, if I knew of a manufacturer that they *would* approach issues like this one out in the open...

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