Re: Make the init-process look like the StarWars Credits

From: Javier Fernandez-Ivern
Date: Sat Jan 10 2004 - 06:06:19 EST

Rob Couto wrote:

AFAICT, that would be both excellent and terrible at the same time. using hw accel makes the process lighter on CPU and looks great but ridiculously intense on the coder... i mean, who could you recruit to take X11 vid drivers and mutate them into kernel code? you'd need 3D code that belongs to Mesa, DRI code that belongs to whatever X module and the matching kernel module, possibly agpgart, and so on. by the time it's 3D, you aren't using the framebuffer code, you've taken the GUI and moved it into the kernel --- hello Win32. That's if you did it smart and made it modular enough to have other purposes, i.e. X11 overdrive... then X needs to know about it, or at least the DRI module involved, and then it's either they trip over one another or X gets cut down to just the libs and network activity. then maybe the kernel begins with X which starts your xterms fullscreen on vt1-6. all the time it's faster and loads sooner. and along with it, you get the legendary stability of a MS slop'erating system. to have that much for one brief piece of eyecandy is a little silly. and when the booting's done, is vt1 still zooming out into space? will I be able to see the top few lines of 'top'?

I think you're overcomplicating the issue. You certainly don't need any 3D code to get a star-wars like scroll going. You can make a 2D transform to make the fonts _look_ like they're scrolling out into space. As a matter of fact, wouldn't simply transforming the rectangular viewport into a trapezoid do the trick? You could then frame this with a starry bitmap, or whatever.

This doesn't sound like it would require any massive hacking (although I'll readily confess that I haven't looked into the code.)

Javier Fernandez-Ivern
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