Re: solved it (at lest for me) "MASQUERADE: Route sent us somewhere else."

From: Anders Westrup
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 04:48:57 EST


I have another solution to the same problem. I also use multiple external
interfaces and select outgoing interface via:

ip rule add from IP/range lookup TABLE

With 2.4.23 iptables -j MASQUERADE stopped working, reporting:
MASQUERADE: Route sent us somewhere else.

In my case the solution was to change my masquerade rule

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o IF -s IP/range -j MASQUERADE

to SNAT instead:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o IF -s IP/range -j SNAT --to-source EXT-IP

With this config everything works as before 2.4.23.

Anders Westrup

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:52:26PM -0500, Neal Stephenson wrote:
> Hi,
> I figured out my routing problems which were causing
> MASQUERADE: Route sent us somewhere else.
> messages from the kernel. I use iptables to masquerade and mangle
> packets so with the advanced router features i can send it out
> appropriate interfaces (i.e. web traffic out my residential ISP service
> not my commercial ISP service). See the earlier thread on this for more
> info (Subject 2.4.23 masquerading broken?). I got a useful reply from
> Martin Josefsson who suggested that ipt_MASQUERADE could no longer find
> the input-interface anymore. Upon further investigation and it seems all
> the rules with iif or from in them no longer work (at least for me). So
> rules like the following will cause the error in post 2.4.22 kernels.
> ip rule add pri 420 from IP lookup TABLE
> I now use exclusively rules of the form
> ip rule add pri 420 fwmark MARK table TABLE
> and mark all packets needing special routing with mangling rules such as
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s IP -j MARK --set-mark MARK
> this seems to prevent the problem. Don't know what changed in the
> kernel.
> Neal
> -
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Anders Westrup <anders@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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