Re: Fw: Performance drop 2.6.0-test7 -> 2.6.1-rc2

From: Andrew Morton
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 05:36:11 EST

Jan Kasprzak <kas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Andrew Morton wrote:
> : Jan Kasprzak <kas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> : > - this is reliable: repeated boot back to 2.6.1-rc2 makes the problem
> : > appear again (high load, system slow has hell), booting back
> : > to -test7 makes it disappear.
> :
> : Is the CPU load higher than normal? Excluding I/O wait?
> No, ~30% system is pretty standard for this server. I have looked
> just now (2.6.0-test7), and I have 33% system, about 50% nice,
> and the rest is user, iowait and idle. Under 2.6.1-rc2 it was about 30%
> system and the rest iowait, with small amount of nice and user.
> However, the load may be different. It is hard to have any kind of
> "fixed" load when you serve data over FTP, HTTP, rsync and do some
> other minor tasks (updatedb, current/up2date server, ...).


> Do you still want the system profiling info?


It would be interesting to run some simple benchmarks (dbench, iozone,
tiobench, etc) on a relatively idle system.

After that, it'd be a matter of searching through kernel versions, which
you presumably cannot do. Or eliminating device mapper from the picture,
which is also presumably not an option.

Have you run `hdparm' to check that all those disks have DMA enabled? I
guess they have.

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