Re: VT82C686 - no sound

From: Steve Youngs
Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 22:22:37 EST

|--==> "h" == hanasaki <hanasaki@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

h> Hmmm I think you are saying I have all the right things loaded?
h> So why does esd run but not make startup beeps and gnome makes no
h> sounds and alsa play makes no sounds?

Load your sound modules, then run `alsamixer' and check the volume
levels. If they are sitting on zero (which is what I suspect) boost
them up to what you want and quit out of the mixer.

Then run `alsactl store'. That will store your mixer setting to
`/etc/asound.state'. Next, check `/etc/modprobe.conf' for a line
similar to...

install snd /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd && /usr/sbin/alsactl restore

...which will ensure that your mixer settings are restored whenever
your sound modules are loaded.

Some sound cards, when they initialise, have all their levels set to
zero. You have to reset them every time the card initialises
(whenever the modules are loaded), which is what `alsactl' does.


|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: A94B3003>---|
| Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. |
| The proof of the pudding, is under the crust. |

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