Re: Uncorrectable Error on IDE, significant accumulation

From: Konstantin Kletschke
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 15:43:02 EST

* Ian Hastie <ianh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 08:23:58PM +0100]:
> : USB Function for DOS
> : Enable this item if you plan to use the USB ports on this mainboard in a DOS
> : environment.
> Well assuming it implies some kind of 16bit related access mode then I suppose
> it should be disabled anyway. However I didn't see a specific "usb-keyboard
> support for dos" in the manual. What happens if you disable "USB Function
> Support" completely?

I meant your quoted excerpt. I did not remember the correct spelling of
the option, remembered only something like "USB function for dos".

I thought also it must be some garbage left from BIOS or so, but when using
arrow keys to select another item, lilo puts something like
onto the screen. One backspace erases whole 5 lines.

I flashed BIOS cause I thought ECS might have fixed it (if it is its
fault) from January version to august version, same error.

I was fed up now and installed grub, which works like a charme.

Well, completely nokernel issue and I should write a bug report to the
lilo folks...

Or is it a BIOS error still which grub copes around with?

Regards, Konsti

Konstantin Kletschke <konsti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <konsti@xxxxxxxxx>
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