Re: 2.6.0-test8-mm1

From: Antonio Dolcetta
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 02:26:45 EST

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 17:32:03 +0100
Jonathan Brown <jbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Well I compiled radeonfb as a module and got this error:
> /lib/modules/2.6.0-test8-mm1/kernel/drivers/video/aty/radeonfb.ko needs
> unknown symbol release_console_sem
> so the module wont load. I presume you are compiling in radeonfb?

yes, I got:
*** Warning: "release_console_sem" [drivers/video/aty/radeonfb.ko] undefined!
while compiling radeonfb as a module
I just compiled it in and it worked.
my (almost, see below) working .config is attached

I do get an oops while unloading uhci-hcd, but sometimes that works and I
get an oops while unloading usbcore instead. will try to test it some more
and send them on list...

still, my latest test with radeonfb was with 2.6-test8 where I would get
some weird fuzzy diagonal bands instead of text scrolling, it looked as if
anything printed on screen was smeared to the right, in this one apart from
the same temporary corruption you have, it works great

Antonio Dolcetta

Attachment: .config
Description: Binary data