Re: [2.6 patch] add a config option for -Os compilation

From: Maciej Zenczykowski
Date: Sun Oct 19 2003 - 11:57:52 EST

> OK, so the applications are limited to /sbin/iptables, /sbin/route, /bin/
> netstat, and maybe dhcpd and/or zebra. They're still applications, even if they
> end up invoking a lot of kernel resources on their behalf.

/sbin/iptables and /sbin/route are merely configuration interfaces to the
kernel proper, not really familiar with netstat - but as far as I know all
it does is dumps kernel runtime configuration and statistics. That's 3
utilities which are no way apps - just interfaces. Now dhcpd is an app
and zebra is an app - but they are still mainly kernel oriented. The
first 3 depend only on kernel speed and the next 2 depend mostly on kernel
speed. I'd say you just proved how important kernel optimilization is for


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