Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: FBDEV 2.6.0-test7 updates.

From: Carlo E. Prelz
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 05:20:13 EST

Subject: Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: FBDEV 2.6.0-test7 updates.
Date: gio, ott 16, 2003 at 12:00:32 +0200

Quoting Benjamin Herrenschmidt (benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):

> My new driver (bk:// now uses a copy
> of XFree PCI IDs list, making it much easier to keep in sync. It should
> also support the 9200.

The latest (*NON*bk) patch distributed by James appears to include your
new driver. The header from radeon_base.c reads:


* drivers/video/radeonfb.c
* framebuffer driver for ATI Radeon chipset video boards
* Copyright 2003 Ben. Herrenschmidt <benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
* Copyright 2000 Ani Joshi <ajoshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
* i2c bits from Luca Tettamanti <kronos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
* Special thanks to ATI DevRel team for their hardware donations.
* ...Insert GPL boilerplate here...
* TODO: - Bring a couple of cleanups from 2.4 to the mode setting code,
* - Split CRT vs. FP register calc/setting
* - Add CRTC2 support for mirror at least, dual head then
* - Add back some accel

#define RADEON_VERSION "0.2.0"


Thus the rest of my previous message should be referred to
your new driver.


PS I am BK-handicapped. I had downloaded the program, and tried your
instruction as per an old message of yours, and no download would take
place. Since, if I recall correctly, bk cannot be used for free on
closed-source projects, I cannot switch to it (nor lose too much time
on it): I work on projects of both types, and changing every time
between RCS/CVS and bk would be very umcomfortable.

* Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - fluido@xxxxxxxxx che bisogno ci sarebbe
* di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)
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