Re: RFC: [2.6 patch] better i386 CPU selection

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Sun Sep 07 2003 - 06:50:26 EST

On Sun, 2003-09-07 13:28:13 +0200, Adrian Bunk <bunk@xxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <20030907112813.GQ14436@xxxxxxxxx>:
> There are two different needs:
> 1. the installation kernel of a distribution should support all CPUs
> this distribution supports (perhaps starting with the 386)

So far, no major distribution does support an i386. Basically, this has
leaked in by some broken patch to libstdc++ which was not observed for a
long time. To support i386, an additional emulator for additional i486
needs to be compiled-in, too. I had a short try to port Debian's patch
into 2.6.x, but it oopsed :-> If I get some time, I'll finish that.
Before we have thie i486-emu-for-i386 in, i386 support in the kernel
doesn't make *any* sense on it's own...

> Changes:
> - changed the i386 CPU selection from a choice to single options for
> every cpu
> - renamed the M* variables to CPU_*, this is needed to ask the users
> upgrading from older kernels instead of silently changing the
> semantics
> - AMD Elan is a different subarch, you can't configure a kernel that
> runs on both the AMD Elan and other i386 CPUs

Oh well, the Elan is a beasty thing:) However, I like your overall
approach, though.


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481
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