Strange debug message from 2.6test kernel: 'sleeping functioncalled from invalid context...'

From: axel c
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 15:08:19 EST

Hi all,

I've been using the 2.6.0-0.test4.1.32 RedHat kernel for a week now with
no problems. However, when i came back from work today i found the
following message from kernel after doing 'dmesg':

Debug: sleeping function called from invalid context at
Call Trace:
[<c011afed>] __might_sleep+0x5d/0x70
[<c010d0ea>] save_v86_state+0x6a/0x200
[<c010c8b5>] do_IRQ+0xd5/0x110
[<c010acd2>] work_notifysig_v86+0x6/0x14
[<c010ac7f>] syscall_call+0x7/0xb

The system has not crashed or anything, everything is fine, but i just
wanted to point this out in case it may be of interest for kernel
developers. Unfortunately this msg seems to have been emitted while i
was away, so i can't give more detailed info about the conditions in
which happened. All i can say is the box was basically idle, just
running X with a couple of terminals and the screensaver.
Sorry in advance if this message is just a piece of useless rubbish, i
know basically nothing about kernel internals.

PS: I am not subscribed to the list, please CC me when answering.


axel c <axel@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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