Re: vesafb mtrr setup question

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 10:16:50 EST

On Maw, 2003-08-26 at 16:50, Arvind Sankar wrote:
> Ah. On a side not, could you drop a quick hint as to how
> screen_info.lfb_size is obtained?
> In older (or just different?) versions of vesafb, the video_size was
> actually computed by multiplying xres, yres, and the bpp.

The BIOS will provide the size of the LFB. In 2.4 we now work out the
size we need for a sensible amount of scrollback and the like because
the LFB size may be huge (256Mb for example) and we don't want to blow
all our kernel address space on a useless mapping

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