2.6.0test4 ACPI with nForce2 success

From: Trever L. Adams
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 13:02:10 EST

I have been one of these people who have been having to boot with
pci=noacpi to get up with much of my hardware initialized. My system is
now working without it. It isn't getting shutoff on irq storms or

My only possible problem is this:

13:59:40 up 8 min, 3 users, load average: 0.86, 0.81, 0.36
0: 516847 XT-PIC timer

I am not sure how fast the irq's for the timer should be going up. So,
that may be an issue.

I am aware some of these changes are causing problems for others, but
they fixed the mess for me.

Thank you.

"He who chops his own wood, is warm twice." -- Abraham Lincoln

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