Re: Subject: Unresolved symbols from 'make modules_install'

From: Chuck Harding (
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 10:03:36 EST

Oops - bad editing - as I said in the message that made it to the list, and I

I tried sending this yesterday but it didn't make it to the list, either
because of the number of lines or because of the size of the attachments B-|
If needed, I can send the full output from the depmod command.

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Keith Owens wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 10:27:05 -0700 (PDT),
> Chuck Harding <> wrote:
> >with no errors, when I run the 'make modules_install' I get a bunch
> >of occurrances of unresolved symbol errors from 'depmod -ae -F 2.x.x'
> >most of which are for what appear to be core functions that the
> >modules would need (output is attached
> You did not include any output from make modules_install.

it's 127k long - I don't think it works to send attachments that large to the

> >as is my .config
> .config is from a 2.5 kernel, not 2.4.

That's because I was trying to build 2.5.70 as there are some of the new
features in it that I wanted to try out.

Charles D. (Chuck) Harding <>  Voice: 925-423-8879
Senior Computer Associate                         Fax: 925-422-8920
Computation Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA USA  GPG Public Key ID: B9EB6601
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