OUPS 2.5.69-bk19 coda-inode.c/slab.c

From: Grzegorz Jaskiewicz (gj@pointblue.com.pl)
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 13:01:38 EST

following BUG() is started when coda is included into kernel. I have not
tried module, but i bet it will couse the same error.

coda_init_inodecache runs kmem_cache_create which couses oups.
Removing following lines from slab.c renders system stable.
But this is not a cure. As i am not using coda it self, i really don't
know if it is running stable.

slab.c snip:

* Always checks flags, a caller might be expecting debug
* support which isn't available.
if (flags & ~CREATE_MASK){

this is in kmem_cache_create fn.

Grzegorz Jaskiewicz <gj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
K4 labs

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