ioperm bitmap stuff for 2.4

From: Nuno Monteiro (
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 13:12:18 EST

[ let's see if three is the charm, the two previous attempts didnt make
it to the list... ]

Hi people,

Is the ioperm patch necessary in 2.4 also? The fix by Brian Gerst was
commited to the 2.5 branch
some days ago, and as of yesterday vendors are starting to ship a similar
fix to their kernels, so I suppose it is indeed necessary. What about the
attached patch? It applies to both 2.4.20 and .21-rc2, please review.

(Please forgive me if this has been discussed before, I did a quick
search of the lkml archives and couldnt find anything relevant to 2.4)



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