Re: Posible memory leak!?

From: Denis Vlasenko (
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 01:56:56 EST

On 13 May 2003 21:15, you wrote:
>top - 11:03:41 up 4 min, š1 user, šload average: 0.12, 0.20, 0.09
>Tasks: š60 total, š 1 running, š58 sleeping, š 0 stopped, š 1 zombie
>Cpu(s): š 8.3% user, š 2.3% system, š 0.0% nice, š89.4% idle
>Mem: š š385904k total, š 173996k used, š 211908k free, š š14244k buffers
>Swap: š 128512k total, š š š š0k used, š 128512k free, š š86732k cached
>this is what the machine used to look like.
>this is what happens when the machine has run for about 3 hours, and during
>that time I have had Netbeans and Day Of Defeat(wine) running for about 15
>top - 14:14:49 up š2:31, š1 user, šload average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.01
>Tasks: š60 total, š 2 running, š57 sleeping, š 0 stopped, š 1 zombie
>Cpu(s): š 2.7% user, š 0.3% system, š 0.0% nice, š97.0% idle
>Mem: š š385904k total, š 261368k used, š 124536k free, š š16736k buffers
>Swap: š 128512k total, š š 8768k used, š 119744k free, š 175476k cached
>if i leave the machine on, and say I start transcoding something..
>the RAM would not be touched and the swap usage would shoot up to

So far I see nothing abnormal. My current top:

09:51:53 up 16:40, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00
56 processes: 55 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 0.2% user, 0.4% system, 0.0% nice, 0.0% iowait, 99.3% idle
Mem: 124616k av, 114444k used, 10172k free, 0k shrd, 4k buff
        53088k active, 46836k inactive
Swap: 76792k av, 1804k used, 74988k free 53632k cached

Can you show "top b n1" (unabridged) and "cat /proc/meminfo", "cat /proc/slabinfo"
of the "swap usage shoot up to 95%" event?

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