Re: Kernel source tree splitting

From: rmoser (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 20:00:30 EST

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On 4/30/2003 at 5:52 PM Larry McVoy wrote:

>It would be *really* cool if the Makefile dependencies actually worked.
>It's a very little known fact but if you are in an RCS or SCCS (and BK
>looks like SCCS to make) source tree and the files are not checked out,
>you can just say
> make
>and make will look for a makefile, if there isn't one but there is a
>SCCS/s.[Mm]akefile it will check it out, look at the dependencies and start
>checking those out and keep doing it to satisfy the target.
>It's a really pleasant way to work, the "make clobber" target "cleans"
>all the source so it isn't checked out, the directory is nice and empty.
>This makes it easy to see stuff you still need to check in or think about.
>It's definitely an old timer way of working, I'm pretty sure that the
>original Unix was done this way but just because it is old doesn't mean
>it is bad. Opinions differ on that :)
>Here's a make in a cleaned BK source tree:


Larry... what the heck are you talking about? No really you lost me

Are you talking about hitting a button and flushing all the code but
what's new, or about actually making different tarballs cause the
source tree to auto-adapt to what's in it?

What is RCS/SCCS

--Bluefox Icy

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