Re: Searching for string problems

From: Richard B. Johnson (
Date: Wed Apr 23 2003 - 12:39:55 EST

On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, Andrew Kirilenko wrote:

> Hello!
> OK. I've solved my problems with storing data (problem was with improper DS
> setup - thanks to all, pointed me to this). And now I should perform a search
> in the BIOS are for particular string (version of BIOS ). Here is my code
> (it's located in the setup.S, so executes in the real mode, not ptotected).
> -->
> start_of_setup:
> jmp cl_start
> cl_id_str: .string "BIOS 0.1"
> cl_start:
> movb $0, %al
> movw $0xe000, %bx
> cl_compare:
> incw %bx
> movw %bx, %si
> cmpw $0xefff, %si
> je cl_compare_done
> movw $cl_id_str, %di
> cl_compare_inner:
> movb (%di), %ah
> cmpb $0, %ah
> je cl_compare_done_good
> cmpb (%si), %ah
> jne cl_compare
> incw %si
> incw %di
> jmp cl_compare_inner
> cl_compare_done_good:
> movb $1, %al
> cl_compare_done:
> <--
> This code don't work... I'm sure, that's because of inproper registers setup
> (or maybe address range is wrong). Please help me.

Hmm, maybe you should just learn assembly off-line.

cl_id_str: .string "BIOS 0.1"

scan: movw %cs, %ax # Get code-segment
        movw %ax, %ds # Set into data segment
        movw %ax, %es # Set into extra segment CS=ES=DS
        cld # Compare forwards
        movw $cl_id_str, %si # String to compare
        movw $were_in_the_bios_you_expect_to_find_it, %di
        movw $cl_id_end, %cx # Offset to this label
        subw %si, %cx # CX = length of string
        decw %cx # Don't compare \0
        repz cmpsb # Continue as long as they compare
        jz found # String was found
                                # Not found here

If you need to search the whole BIOS for that string, you need to
set up an outer loop using an unused register which starts at
the offset of the BIOS and increments by one byte everytime
you can't find the string. This value gets put into %di, instead
of the absolute number specified above.


scan: movw %cs, %ax
        movw %ax, %ds
        movw %ax, %es
        movw $where_in_BIOS_to_start, %bx
1: movw $cl_id_str, %si # Offset of search string
        movw $cl_id_end, %cx # Offset of string end + 1
        subw %si, %cx # String length
        decw %cx # Don't look for the \0
        movw %bx, %di # ES:DI = where to look
        repz cmpsb # Loop while the same
        jz found # Found the string
        incb %bx # Next starting offset
        cmpb $_BIOS_END, %bx # Check for limit
        jb 1b # Continue


Note that the `gas` .string macro puts in a '\0', assuming it's
a 'C' string. You don't want to put that in the comparison. That's
why you search one-less than the allocation length. There are
predefined macros available for 'len', also.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.20 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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