[OT] patch splitting util(s)?

From: Eli Carter (eli.carter@inet.com)
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 16:46:32 EST

A bit off-topic, but something tangentally related to this list...

Is anyone aware of a utility that helps with splitting a (large) patch
into multiple patches at a hunk (or better, a sub-hunk) level?

I'm visualizing a GUI (or similar) that lets you right-click on a hunk
and get a list of sub-patches or the option to create a new sub-patch,
and moves the hunk to the selected sub-patch. (I use the term
'sub-patch', but in theory, you could load a set of patches, then
shuffle hunks around.) And lets you go to the sub-patches and move
hunks from there to another patch.

A vim or emacs script/plugin would probably make the most sense. (I'm a
vim user, so I'm not familiar with what emacs provides, but I didn't see
this functionality after a very quick look.)

I didn't have much luck with googling. I think the words I used are too
generic. :/

Anyone know of something like this?


--------------------. "If it ain't broke now,
Eli Carter \ it will be soon." -- crypto-gram
eli.carter(a)inet.com `-------------------------------------------------

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