Patch swsusp problem

From: Electroniks New (
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 07:39:39 EST

   The 2.4 patch i tried out just does the suspend
part and returns to bash prompt again. I did the
susped by echo "1 0 0" . If shows suspending progress
after the progress compeletes it returns.
The sysrq doesn't work.
Also in 2.5.59 the sysrq doesn't work.I looked into
code i couldn't find a sysrq-d function in the kernel
code. It's been a while since i downloaded the code.
Has it been updated.

In 2.5.59 i did the sleep by /proc/apic/sleep or
It suspended but got into a while loop (1) it was
saying refrigration and some other messages .

I didn't apply any sysint or other patches.

Only 2.4 patch was applied to 2.4 kernel and 2.5.59
was not changed.

Also i have only one swap partition.
After suspending if i hard reset (after 2 min not much
of data running) will the kernel be able to restore .
i passed resume = /dev/hdb2 which is the swap

Pavel and Gabor help me out.

Also can it restore the vim state and other X session

Or does it only save the kernel states and process.

Thank you .

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