Re: RFC3168, section - ECN and retransmit of SYN

From: David S. Miller (
Date: Sat Feb 22 2003 - 01:46:44 EST

   Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 19:48:45 -0500
   2) Temporary queueing congestion causes your *first* SYN to be dropped
   on the floor. So if you send a second without ECN, you really can't
   tell if it worked because of the second SYN working Just Because, or
   because ECN was turned off. On the other hand, you get the same
   connection as if you had done ECN-off to begin with (just 1 transmit

This is totally broken behavior. Features don't get turned off
just because of a temporary queue overflow at some intermediate

This is why the workarounds are broken by design. This kind of
behavior is totally anti- the most basic principles of how the
internet works.
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