bk2cvs [was Re: openbkweb-0.0]

From: Pavel Machek (pavel@suse.cz)
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 17:56:37 EST


> All of this sounds great and is exactly what is already the plan.
> There is one missing item. A consensus in the community that if we
> provide BK, the CVS mirror, bkbits hosting, in return the community
> agrees to leave off using BK to copy BK.
> If what is being asked of us is more free service and engineering and
> we are getting nothing in return, that's a non-starter.

This might help you with engineering, and sourceforge.net is willing
to provide you the bandwidth. If you create an account on sf.net, I
can easily add you to the linux25 project.

Oh, and I believe we do not need exactly Larry for this, just someone
who uses bk anyway and is willing to supervise the scripts. [I'm
mostly on modem, and often go away for > week.]

[all2cvs script]
while [ $A -lt $2 ]; do
        if [ ! -e ../data/1.$A ]; then
            echo "Patch $A does not exist"
            exit 1
        echo "Processing patch $A"
        ../scripts/diff2cvs ../data/1.$A
        mv ../data/1.$A ../olddata/1.$A
        echo "Done processing $A"
        if [ -e ../data/STOP ]; then
                echo "Stopped at user request after $A"
                echo "Stopped at user request after $A" > ../data/STOP
                exit 1

        I=1; while [ $I -lt 50000 ]; do I=$[$I+1]; done
cd /home/riel/bk-kernel/linux-2.5
while [ $A -lt $2 ]; do

        echo "Processing patch $A"
        bk export -tpatch -r1.$PREV,1.$A > ~/bkdata/1.$A

fake() {
        eval $1

dir() {
        while [ ! -d $1 ]; do
                while [ $OLDDIR != $DIR ]; do
                        mkdir $DIR && fake "cvs add $DIR"

cat $1 | grep '^+++ ' | grep -v "/dev/null" | (
        while true; do
                read A B C || break
                if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then
                        touch $FILE || dir ${FILE%/*}
                        touch $FILE || echo "Could not create $FILE"
                        touch $FILE || exit 1
                        fake "cvs add -ko $FILE"
cat $1 | patch -Esp1 || exit 3

cat $1 | grep '^--- ' | grep -v "/dev/null" | (
        while true; do
                read A B C || break
                if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then
                        fake "cvs remove $FILE"

cat $1 | grep '^#' > /tmp/delme.diff2cvs

fake "cvs -z 3 commit -F /tmp/delme.diff2cvs ."

When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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