Re: ext3 clings to you like flypaper

From: Markus Plail (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 12:21:55 EST

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Jörn Engel wrote:

> This is, how things worked for me:
> 1. Kernel tries to mount rootfs ext3. If this fails, it will continue
> trying ext2. No other fs compiled into kernel.
> 2. If there is a journal, it is ext3.
> 3. Init scripts read /etc/fstab and read ext2.
> 4. root is remounted as ext2.
                          ^^^^ It looks like it is remounted as ext2,
but it's really ext3. mount says ext2, but 'cat /proc/mounts' reveals
it's still ext3. Have been bitten by that once, too.


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