Re: gcc 2.95 vs 3.21 performance

From: Larry McVoy (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 18:21:01 EST

> I'd love to see a small - and fast - C compiler, and I'd be willing to
> make kernel changes to make it work with it.

I can't offer any immediate help with this but I want the same thing. At
some point, we're planning on funding some extensions into GCC or whatever
reasonable C compiler is around:

    - associative arrays as a builtin type

                assoc bar = {}; // anonymous, no file backing

          bar{"some key"} = "some value";
          if (defined(bar{"some other value"})) ...

    - regular expressions

                char *foo = "blech";

          if (foo =~ /regex are nice/) {
                  printf("Well isn't that special?\n");

    - tk bindings built in

and then we'll port BK to that compiler. It's likely to be GCC because we
want to support all the different architectures but if a kernel sponsered
cc shows up we'll happily throw money at that.

Larry McVoy            	 lm at  
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