Re: Is the BitKeeper network protocol documented?

From: Tupshin Harper (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 01:11:34 EST

Larry McVoy wrote:

>As far as I can tell your complaint is that you can't have access to
>the up to minute source view without using something which violates
>your politics.
I agree with your sentiment, but you mis-characterize one thing. Jamie
was stating that his interpretation of the BitKeeper license forbade him
to use the free version of BitKeeper because of some of his non-kernel
related activities. This does seem to be a fair interpretation of the
license, according to clause 3-d, and has nothing to do with his
politics. Jamie is stating that it would be illegal for him to use
BitKeeper. Whether or not you agree with the use of BitKeeper for linux
kernel maintenance, it would seem like this is an unnecessarily onerous
clause that prevents some individuals from participating on an equal
footing with everybody else.


Clause 3-d:
            Notwithstanding any other terms in this License, this
            License is not available to You if You and/or your employer
            develop, produce, sell, and/or resell a product which con-
            tains substantially similar capabilities of the BitKeeper
            Software, or, in the reasonable opinion of BitMover, com-
            petes with the BitKeeper Software.

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