Re: Honest does not pay here ...

From: Larry McVoy (
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 09:51:28 EST

> Speaking only for myself, Linus's gnu.misc.discuss posting was
> not the understanding under which I contributed. I don't know of
> Linus ever claiming that others are required to also grant the
> permission that Linus granted in his gnu.misc.discuss posting as a
> condition of their code being integrated into the stock kernels.

The day that you take over the day to day running of the kernel effort
is the day that you get to enforce your rules. Linus provides huge
value that neither you nor anyone else provides. So he makes the rules.
If you don't like it, make a stink and withdraw your patches. They'll
get replaced right away.

Larry McVoy            	 lm at  
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