Re: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"

From: Richard B. Johnson (
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 14:02:11 EST

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Richard Stallman wrote:
> You're surely aware that when the media, companies, and users say
> "Linux", they usually do not mean the kernel. They usually have in
> mind an entire operating system in which Linux is used. This entire
> system wasn't developed by Linus Torvalds--it is basically GNU, which
> was started in 1984. The system exists because idealistic programmers
> had a vision of a different kind of society and had the determination
> to make it happen.
> If you want to avoid predictably steering readers into confusion, each
> time you say (in one way or another) that Linux was developed by Linus
> Torvalds, you need to explain that Linux is one component of the
> GNU+Linux system which is what users typically run.

      This is the Linux-kernel list. It deals with
      Linux-kernel issues. It does not deal with
      your continual attempt to claim some sort of
      credit for the work of thousands. You should
      take your bottle and go back to sleep. Nobody
      in the industry, except those who have been
      bamboozled by you, think of Linux as GNU/Linux,
      a term you fraudulently coined and published
      in an attempt to claim what has never been yours.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
Why is the government concerned about the lunatic fringe? Think about it.

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