i2c-elektor (2.5.43) non-fatal error: unresolved symbol cli, sti

From: Joseph Pingenot (trelane@digitasaru.net)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 17:48:35 EST

I didn't see this, so I'm reporting it:
make -f arch/i386/lib/Makefile modules_install
if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map 2.5.43; fi
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.5.43/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-elektor.o
depmod: cli
depmod: sti

Looks like a problem in the i2c-elektor driver.


"Alt text doesn't pop up unless you use an ancient browser from the days of
 yore. The relevant standards clearly indicate that it should not, and I
 only know about one browser released in the last two years that violates
 this, and it's still claiming compatibility with Mozilla 4 (which was
 obsolete quite long ago), so it really can't be considered a modern
 browser."  --jonadab, in a slashdot.org comment.
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