question about ioctl and kiobuf interface

From: immortal1015 (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 06:29:50 EST

Hi, all. The question is somewhat out of the topics here.
I am trying to use kiobuf interface in my module.
In module, I use create_proc_entry(PROC_FILE_NAME, 0, NULL) to create an entry
named "/proc/test". In my application, first open the file "/proc/test" to get a handle,
and then use malloc to allocate some memory, then use ioctl method to pass the memory address to my module. The codes as following:
//application codes:
int main()
        int file_desc, ret_val;
        unsigned char *buf;
        file_desc = open(DEVICE_FILE_NAME, O_RDONLY);
        buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(TEST_SIZE);
        printf("malloc: %d\n", buf);
        ioctl(file_desc, SM_IOC_SHAREMEM, buf);
The ioctl interface provided by my module is as following:

int sm_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp,
                 unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
        int ret;
                case SM_IOC_SHAREMEM:
                                printk("<1>buf address is %d\n", (unsigned char *)arg);
                                ret = SUCCESS;
                        ret = SUCCESS;
        return ret;

void sm_test_kiobuf(unsigned long userbuf)
        //KernelBuff is a global viriable defined as
        //unsigned char KernelBuff[12];
        memcpy((unsigned char *)userbuf, KernelBuff, 12);


The module and the application work fine. That means I can manipulate user space buffer
directory in my module's ioctl interface. And then why use KIOBUF interfaces?

What is wrong with my concepts?
Please give me advices.


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