Re: Linux v2.5.42

From: Mark Hahn (
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 14:58:46 EST

> Yes I do realize that, but I think EVMS offers more in the long run than any
> of the others.

not to put too find a point on it, but IBM has their own goals.
for instance, some part of EVMS design is motivated by IBM's political
desire to permit its bank customers, who have horrible old OS/2 systems,
to transparently use OS/2 volumes. it's not as if IBM couldn't provide
a simple, user-level migration tool. it's not as if the Linux community
is going to rush out and say "let's all start use OS/2 volumes everywhere!"

using Linux to make your customers happy is great;
the issue is whether it deforms Linux in general to be shaped
by non-shared priorities. yes, I'm a crank, and yes, I'm bothered
by other IBM influences, such as their fixation with performance of
broken platforms like Profusion, or tuning for NUMA.

the best part of Linux is its willingness to throw out old designs;
a big system like EVMS has its own resistance to such redesign.

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