[PATCH] IRQ patch for Toshiba Char Driver in 2.5.34

From: James Blackwell (jblack@linuxguru.net)
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 06:59:57 EST

Somewhere around 2.5.31 the method for setting and clearing interrupts

From- To-
save_flags(flags); local_irq_save(flags);

restore_flags(flags); local_irq_restore(flags);

Though bordering on trivial, including toshiba support with stock 2.5.34
fails to compile, which this patch seems to fix. This patch fixes this
issue and has worked reliably for me under 2.5.31, though it is untested on
2.5.32 and 2.5.33 because I didn't manage to get those to work.

A note to those that are a bit rough on kernel patch newbies.... submitting
a kernel patch for the very first time is a rather intimidating experience
so please don't chew my head off unless its absolutely necessary.

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James Blackwell  --  Director http://www.linuxguru.net
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