Re: ide drive dying?

From: Mike Dresser (
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 13:55:26 EST

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Thunder from the hill wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 wrote:
> > I have *never* lost data to a Maxtor disk. I have had IBM, Fujitsu,
> > Western Digital, and DEC drives all fail on me before.
> I can't confirm that. Yes, IBM failed, Fujitsu is often IBM, DEC isn't any
> better either. But Western... I'm still having some quite old Western
> drives, aged several years, a lot more than they guaranteed. They still

WDC AC21600H.

Best damn drive ever made by any company.

I've got maybe 40 of these left in the systems here. They're coming up on
7-8 years old.

Sure, they're dog slow. Sure, they're pretty small(1.6 gig)

But they're rock stable and solid. I use them for boot drives for old
servers, and for the old Windows PC's


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