Re: nfs problem 2.4.19-pre9

From: Trond Myklebust (
Date: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 14:09:28 EST

>>>>> " " == Kenneth Johansson <> writes:

> I have had a problem for some time that processes get stuck in
> D state and I now have a way to get this to happen at will.

> One way to do this is to copy a file from one nfs mounted
> directory to another. It dose not happen on the same mount and
> not when copying from nfs to a local disk. To make this even
> more complex it works with cp and mv but not in mc(midnight
> commander F6 ).

Sounds like a network driver problem or something like that. UDP
appears to trigger these lockups a lot more easily than does TCP.

Try testing with a different brand of networking card...

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