Re: ip alias and default outgoing interface

From: J Sloan (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 13:06:42 EST

I'm seeing also - this is with 2.4.19-pre3aa2 -
and I know I saw it with earlier 2.4 kernels.
I just checked and I'm seeing it on my
workstation here, running 2.4.19-pre8-ac5.

I'd have a working ethernet interface, with
a functional default route - now if I bring up
a virtual address on the same ethernet
device, all outgoing traffic from that point
on emanates from the IP of the new virtual
interface - which created some problems
if there are firewall rules based on IP addr.

I know there is some way to fix this with the
advanced routing features, but I hadn't time
to look into it until now - and the above does
seem to be the default behavior.


Bill Davidsen wrote:

>On Wed, 22 May 2002, Mohammad A. Haque wrote:
>>I've got a setup where I have one ethernet card and multiple ips
>>assigned using ip alias.
>>i've noticed that sometimes out going traffic goes out using the ip of
>>the last interface I brought up.
>>Is this supposed to happen? How do I make it so that the default gw
>>interface is used?
>Time to tell us which kernel you run. I haven't seen this with 2.4.recent,
>but most of the connections are either incoming or explicitly SNET'd.

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