Re: [PATCH] 2.5.8 IDE 36

From: Richard Gooch (
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 10:58:22 EST

Linus Torvalds writes:
> On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Richard Gooch wrote:
> >
> > This gratuitous removal of features in the guise of "cleanups" is why
> > you got flamed earlier this year. I thought you'd learned :-/
> Richard, have you looked at the IDE mess?

Yeah, years ago when I was adding devfs calls. I've tried to forget
about it since then...

> Also note that performance is likely to _increase_ by removing that
> stupid feature - using DMA to do the actual IO and them byteswapping
> in some higher level than the driver is likely to be a _lot_ faster
> than doing PIO (and byteswap in-place, resulting in random mmap
> corruption).

I'm actually not that concerned about performance for this case,
because it's not a common operation. If we had some kind of loop
driver that supported partitioning then I'd be satisfied. In fact, I
agree that would probably be better.

What I object to is the removal of a feature that people depend on,
*without a replacement being made available prior to removal*. If you
want to remove a feature, build the replacement *first*. Don't remove
the feature and say "the rest of you can pick up the pieces".


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