Re: A modest proposal -- We need a patch penguin

From: Larry McVoy (
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 11:37:56 EST

> Er, not the pristine tree, the linuxppc_2_4 tree, sorry. I'll try
> again. One of the problems we hit frequently is that we have to move
> files from linuxppc_2_4_devel into linuxppc_2_4, once they prove stable.
> But just creating a normal patch, or cp'ing the files means when we pull
> linuxppc_2_4 back into linuxppc_2_4_devel we get a file conflict, and
> have to move one of the files (the previously existing one) into the
> deleted dir. How do we cleanly move just a few files from a child tree
> into the parent? I think this is a lot like what would happen, if Linus
> used BK and we wanted to send him support for some platforms, but not
> all of the other changes we have.

BitKeeper is like a distributed, replicated file system with atomic changes.
That has certain advantages, much like a database. What you are asking
violates the database rules, if I understand you properly. Are you asking
to move part of a changeset? That's a no no, that's like moving the
increment to your bank account without the decrement to mine; the banks
frown on that :-)

Or are you asking more about the out of order stuff, i.e., whole changesets
are fine but not all of them.

Larry McVoy            	 lm at  
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