Re: new photos from my party!

From: Matthew Sell (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 11:20:04 EST

What the hell does "fair" have to do with anything? Should we cut you some
slack because you use Outlook? "Oh, he uses Outlook. Don't be so hard on
him. He didn't *mean* to send everyone in his contact list a trojan that
formatted our hard drives."

I don't think it's "fair" to have to pay for bandwidth being pissed away by
Microsoft Outlook users. Maybe I should start submitting invoices to all of
the people who sent me malicious apps via Outlook.

Microsoft Outlook *IS* the problem. Blaming it *IS* correct. Removing
Outlook *IS* the solution.

If I were you, I'd stop using that pile of crap and start using something
more secure, before you become the target of some luser script kiddie that
wants to borrow your computer to take down Internet services that we all

         - Matt

That's hardly fair. Some of us use Outlook for a reason (my address is a
>Spam trap that only lets in what I actually want to read). I can see trying
>to keep out Spam, but blaming Outlook is not the solution.
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Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066

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