Re: Note describing poor dcache utilization under high memory pressure

From: Rick Stevens (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 18:06:24 EST

Daniel Phillips wrote:

> On January 28, 2002 11:00 pm, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>I've gotta read up on the kernel's VM system. I use to write them
>>for a certain three-letter-acronymed company--many, many moons ago.
>>Maybe I'd have some ideas. Then again, perhaps not.
> Well, you really want to take a trip over to,
> #kernelnewbies, and there you'll find a number of still-current IBM people
> happily helping cook up plots to take over Linu^H^H^H^H the world ;-)

Uh, I never said IBM ;-) I said "a three-letter-acronym" company.
There were several. The one I dealt with was in Massachusetts, had
a real penchant for three-letter acronyms and used a programming
dialect which was the only single word oxymoron in the English
language (enough hints yet?).

And, no, I wasn't an employee.

- Rick Stevens, SSE, VitalStream, Inc. -
- 949-743-2010 (Voice) -
- -
- "More hay, Trigger?" "No thanks, Roy, I'm stuffed!" -

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