Re: file corruption in 2.4.16/17

From: Hans Reiser (
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 06:06:27 EST

It sounds like you get reiserfs corruptions easily, without crashing the
machine or anythin unusual, and in that case you surely have hardware
problems. Please note in our FAQ the discussion of how reiserfs runs
hotter than ext2, and it is common for improperly cooled CPUs to work
well for ext2 and not reiserfs (tail combining heats the CPU).


Christian Ohm wrote:

>>>i'll just copy some files from the old to the new drive and diff them to see
>>>if they get corrupted with a plain 2.4.17 kernel. if they do, any ideas how
>well, tried that. got corrupted files.
>>>to track it down further?
>>Perhaps several samples of corrupted files (and their original versions),
>i examined some of those files. results: it seems like some parts of the
>files i copied get written to the wrong destination on the disk, since i
>discovered something that looked like kernel source (one of the things i
>copied) in one of those files. sometimes there's some of the original
>content still at the end of the file.
>>also make sure that while this corruption occurs with reserfs on the new drive, it
>>does not occurs with non-reiserfs filesystem on the new drive.
>as i said, i copied about 15gb to a fat32 partition and about 3gb to a
>reiserfs partition. i diffed the fat32 and found not a single error. on the
>reiserfs partition some of the present files got corrupted, and some of the
>copied files, too. though i don't know if they got corrupted because of
>other files that were copied or because some of their blocks ended up in
>other files.
>that was /var. on /usr (my second reiserfs partition), otoh, i haven't found
>corrupted files yet.
>>Also try to copy your files and see if you get random corrupted files or is the corrupted
>>filelist is the same all the time.
>i copied the same files again, and got the same files (or at least files in
>the same dir) corrupted again.
>>Look into your log for any strange messages. (you might even recompile your
>>kernel with CONFIG_REISERFS_CHECK enabled to allow for more checks to be made)
>after some copying, i discovered this nice message:
>vs-4080: reiserfs_free_block: free_block (0306:801711)[dev:blocknr]: bit
>already cleared
>then i copied the same files again, overwriting the old copy. after a while,
>the system hang with 100% cpu used, and i got lots of those on the console:
>vs-3050: wait_buffer_until_released: nobody releases buffer (dev 03:06, size
>4096 blocknr 688128, count 3, list 0, state 0x10019, page c17a0540,
>(UPTODATE, CLEAN, UNLOCKED)). still waiting (-150000000) JDIRTY !JWAIT
>after a reboot, i tried it again. similar result, though i didn't see any
>messages anymore. another reboot, and the file system seemed to be garbage
>(wouldn't mount), yet after yet another reboot, i could mount it again, but
>with lots of errors when accessing it. then i scrapped another partition,
>created a new reiserfs one and copied the files over.
>i think i'll create a fat32 partition where the old reiserfs one was, to see
>if i get some errors there. if i do, this could be a hardware issue after
>christian ohm
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