IO APIC (smp) / crashes ?

From: Roeland Th. Jansen (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 07:40:37 EST

using 2.4.13 I still experience crashes when a very specific set of
programs are used.

as I have a Abit BP6 and it's known to be not the best SMP board, I was
wondering if it could be possible that a high rate of interrupts
(specific IRQ's) could cause the 'crashes' I experience.

The setup is really weird. I use freeamp to play streams; I have an
ethernet card connected to a 512kbits adsl router; I use an SB16 under and use X with an AGP card.

if the stuff 'crashes, it in fact doesn't crash but starts to become
_very_ slow. if you look at /proc/interrupts you would see timer ticks
increase one by one but it woud take ages. like one tich in hald an hour
or so. this basically means -- system unuseable. it does respond to
pings though.

my wild guess is that the combination and rate of interrupts cause the
well known

Oct 30 07:29:37 grobbebol kernel: APIC error on CPU1: 02(08)
Oct 30 07:29:37 grobbebol kernel: APIC error on CPU0: 02(04)
Oct 30 08:30:43 grobbebol kernel: APIC error on CPU0: 04(04)
Oct 30 08:30:43 grobbebol kernel: APIC error on CPU1: 08(08)

entries that finally after some time hit a combination that causes the
system to become very slow. would that be a possibility or am I just (as
usual :-) wrong ?

           CPU0 CPU1
  0: 13213246 13178957 IO-APIC-edge timer
  1: 60279 59829 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
  2: 0 0 XT-PIC cascade
  3: 44383 44113 IO-APIC-edge serial
  4: 3 5 IO-APIC-edge serial
  5: 75105 73827 IO-APIC-edge soundblaster
  8: 0 1 IO-APIC-edge rtc
 14: 218635 212466 IO-APIC-edge ide0
 15: 6903 6858 IO-APIC-edge ide1
 18: 30878 30618 IO-APIC-level BusLogic BT-930
 19: 5695922 5718641 IO-APIC-level eth0
NMI: 0 0
LOC: 26392880 26392845
ERR: 82
MIS: 70

anyways, it basically only happens when I use X, when I use sound, when
I use xmms _and_ it comes from eth0. it happens not directly but
sometimes, after, say an hour, sometimes after 4 hours.

(fwiw -- it also happens under the opensound drivers in the kernel but
less frequent)

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